Since my last webcam enthralled post, I have talked to:
-my friend Rachel in Thailand, whom I didn't know left the country. She's lived there 3 years and helps run an orphanage. You can see we haven't kept up with each other for awhile... but there she was with one of the little girls from the orphanage.
-cousin, Dan, from Oregon. The man is a genius, and responsible for getting us into the wide world of computer technology.
-Andy, my sister in Oregon
-"Pops", Matthew's dad in Canada
-friend Jessica in the twin cities
-last but not least, some pretty sketchy people on this site called Camfrog. Matthew found this webcam chat room the other night after he set up the whole thing. This leads me to the subject of today's post.
What in the world has the internet become that all men are viewed as (and mostly act like) perverts, and women, well they're just asking to be treated like pieces of meat?!
Matthew goes on this site (with me sitting next to him interjecting comments) and has a great time. Immediately finds 'friends'- if you can call not revealing anything personal, spending an hour harassing each other, friends.
Now it's my turn. I tell Matthew that I want to try talking to people. So we set up a screen name for me and I head into the room. IMMEDIATELY there is all sorts of beeping noises and little screens popping up with guys saying different variations of, "Hey baby, wanna chat privately?" Matthew freaks out and starts trying to figure out how to put me on 'private' mode so they can't do that. He can't figure it out so he comes into view of the camera with an angry husband look, shaking his head. He pipes up into the microphone, "She's married, guys. Leave her alone." As if that deters them. The messages keep coming, but with things like, "When is that guy gonna leave?"
Since then, I've been too shy to say anything, for fear of giving someone the wrong idea. It's confusing being a married woman sometimes. Before Matthew, most of my friends were guys. Things change, though, and I am not upset about that at all. Matthew doesn't ask that I drop all of those friendships. Those relationships have just changed a bit to consider his feelings and my respect for him. Trust is extremely important in any marriage relationship. I never want him to have doubt.
So back to the Camfrog incident. I have come up with one last solution to try. Today I'm going to visit Camfrog as a boy. We bought these fake mustaches over Halloween and have a boy wig lying around. Since Matthew goes into that room and NEVER gets harassed, I'm pretty sure I will be a much more unattractive boy than he is, and will not be bothered. Hey, if everyone has anonymous identities, why not?
Disclaimer: Matthew and Cristina Cherry are not internet hermits that spend every spare moment chatting with strangers in chat rooms (nor do they condone this lifestyle). They are, infact, quite normal. Their interests include: Jesus, listening to music, teaching their dog useless tricks, harassing Walmart employees at 3am, and watching movies till their eyes bleed.