Sunday, November 06, 2005

100% wiped

These are the events of the last 4 days:

-Cleaned the apartment. Well sort of. If you count sitting on my rear watching videos for about 3 hours.
-Packed a few things and moved into our good friends Jon and Kelli's house. They had a retreat so I watched their 2 year old little girl, Rayna.
-Matthew and I ordered tasty taco pizza. Yummm... Taco Pizza I loooooooove you!
(Matthew stayed there at night when he was done with work-something about staying in someone else's house overnight freaks me out.)

-Round about 7am Rayna awoke and was ready for action. Thankfully the girl is easily entertained by videos. Until 9am I changed the videos every half hour to keep her occupied. It bought me a little more sleep time.
-Fed Rayna breakfast. Had a Kix moment. I turned around to see her holding the box upside down and Kix flooding the table.
-Did 5 loads of laundry in their (NO QUARTERS!!) machines.
-Made lunch for the three of us when Matthew had a break from work.
-Played all day with blocks, playhouses, books, etc.

-12 hour sale at Slumberland. Thankfully I was pardoned the last 3 hours because I worked the whole 12 hour Saturday sale 2 weeks ago.
-Went home with my date for the night, Taco John (Matthew was out working the fields)
-Watched my $1 Shirley Temple dvd "The Little Princess"
-Bought Matthew 'The Office' first season then proceeded to watch 5 episodes when he got home.

-Up at 7am to go to both first and second service at church. For good cause, though! Our senior pastor heard about our prank caller, Crystal, and asked that we say a few words in front of the congregation. Sort of a reminder why they are investing in the youth facility we are building. Crystal was SO NERVOUS, but she went up there too. Great stuff!
-Worked 1-6 at Slumberland.
-Bible study at 6pm. Fell asleep about 32 times throughout the audio tape we listened to. Doh!


Blogger Heather said...

You got the little princess for a dollar? That is wonderful! That movie was a childhoood favorite.

4:03 PM  

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