Sunday, October 16, 2005


I have decided to take a self-appointed position to survey every person I meet. My question... and I also direct this to you out there...

"Do you like your job? I mean, really like your job? "

God said waaaaaaay back when Eve was a moronic, stupid girl, that we would forever have to work the land. I believe the word 'toil' was used (depending on if he was speaking in King James version or was feeling New International that day). Doesn't it seem odd, though, that we spend our days (precious days we will NEVER get back) working in jobs we hate going to, to get money to buy things we don't need?

I've been pondering this for awhile now... and I would honestly like to hear your input. My job is making me a sad, miserable human being. At the same time, though, I am so thankful to God for providing this job so we could pay our bills (and save to leave for Oregon). So I am torn. Do I continue to simply exist at this place for the next 10 months... or do I leave? This is not just a case of little concerns I need to voice to 'the Man'. I'm not even sure what weekends look like anymore- it's been 6 or 7 weeks since I've seen one. I constantly am expected to work extra hours, without extra pay (100% commision). If I bring up anything wrong, I am told that I should work on my negative attitude (anyone who knows me knows this is not my personality).

Am I just being a weenie?


Blogger Melanie said...

I don't love my job. I would rather do a million other things than go, but I also don't hate my job either. (at one point I did)
I think there is a line you have to evaluate yourself. I go to work, do my best and then go home and move on. I have enough left to be myself. Rich had a terrible job- it made him depressed and left nothing left of him for when he was free. He had to get out and I am so glad he did.
there is working hard and then there are those jobs that are life-sucking. You are doing great though... keep the goals of saving and moving in mind and soon it will be over. and then find a job that is at lease amusing- if not somewhat satisfying.

8:29 AM  
Blogger Gordo said...

Hey sis!
Forgive me if there are like five comments from me but I couldnt get it to work...
Anyways I don't like my job either and neither do most people I know but you are getting shafted and Matt and I are ready to go deliver a can o whoop ass!
Your bro,

3:50 PM  

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