Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Mystery Men

Today was extremely long. It was truly a Manic Monday, and at 12 hours long, I felt stuck in a time warp of sorts. The sad part, I was the only person that made any commission today- if we were paid day by day, several people I work with would actually have had to pay the store money to work today. Very sad indeed. That usually is not the case, though, so it's okay to have those days every once in awhile.

After work, Matthew and I decided to treat ourselves- we ordered the Pizza Hut family deal and filled our bellies while we watched Mystery Men. Mostly corny humor, yeah, but what's wrong with that!? Ever wonder what your secret superhero power would be? If I had to fight supervillians, I'm pretty sure I'd be 'The Screacher'. You wouldn't know it talking to me, but I can scream like a siren... or a loud whistle... or something really, really loud. Then I'd maybe do a round house kick at the same time- all while giving my enemy the 'Stink Eye' (you know, the really mean, squinty look).

Matthew is a superhero in training right now. For his birthday this year, I enrolled him in a martial arts class (Ching Sai Doe) that he takes twice a week now. He loves it! He keeps coming home trying to teach me all these tricks like how to knock guns/knives out of peoples hands. Creepy. I'm not a big fan of guns... or knives.

I spose if I'm going to fight supervillians, I better get over that.


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