Monday, September 12, 2005

funny little raindrop.

More like 20 kabillion funny little raindrops.

This morning, early, it started raining. It rained so hard, that when I looked outside it looked and sounded like it was hailing. The thunder and lightening were quite exciting also. But all this was not so exciting to little Cristina that knew she would have to walk to work. Our truck hasn't been working for a couple of months, and Matthew went out to a guy's farm to help him out for the day with a few projects. When I thought I would have to get drenched in the rain, there by the door waited my Audrey Hepburn-esque raincoat and matching umbrella. My husband was so thoughtful to lay them out for me (they were actually a gift from him this spring). So I put on my flip flops, capri pants, and raingear, and headed out the door. The next apartment building down, half a dozen residents (special needs) stood waiting under the awning for their rides to work. I quite enjoy it when they are outside (and they usually are) because most of them will greet me when I say 'good morning'. One guy shouted out a, "HAVE A NICE DAY!" as I walked through the deep puddles.

When I got to work, furniture was moved into very strange places. When my manager came in early to get some paperwork done, it was literally raining inside the store. He and the bookkeeper were running all over trying to get buckets under most of the big spots. A giant, industrial fan blew all day long near the area that got it the worst. It made it hard to hear the phone ring, and we constantly were explaining to customers what was happening. A few of the mattresses took the brunt end of the rain too. One had about a four foot radius wet splotch from the drops. I took all of my customers there and made them lie down. It was great fun!

The day was long and tiring, but overall I guess it was good. I think the rain made it more interesting actually. Customers like giving full reports of the strange weather in Minnesota. Amazingly, most of it dried up by mid afternoon (except for the flooded streets where cars were stalled). Not for long, though. Around 8pm it started to rain again pretty heavy. By 8:20 or so, it was raining REALLY hard, and the news flashed warnings constantly. At closing time, we realized the roof began leaking again. This time it was worse than the morning. It felt like someone was poking holes in the roof! It was a funny sight, though, the 3 of us salespeople and 4 warehouse guys trying desperately to track down recycling bins, trash cans, and vases to catch the water. We moved the furniture out of the path of the leaks, and watched as water ran down one wall like one of those fung-shui fountains.

It will certainly be interesting to survey things when we go in to work tomorrow. If it's not still raining, I suspect there will be little men running all over the roof in search of holes.

Peace out yo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So-did anyone buy the "water bed"?

6:31 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

Actually no, I was really surprised!

8:20 PM  

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