Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Your very own direct chatline to God!

Oh, I think you will all be amused by what I found today.
I can't even come up with a decent explanation- just go see for yourself.


I found myself most curious as to how someone would set something like this up, so I went, chatted, and found myself fighting with whatever ignorant computer they have hooked up to this. When I asked what my favorite movie was, after saying, "The obvious one" and me asking again, "What is the name of the movie?" The response I got was "IKEA". Then I was asked, "What is IKEA?" My next question, "How many hairs are on my head?", was answered with an equally unimpressive, "about one million". I know it's all a joke, but it's still fun to prove it's fake. God knows EXACTLY how many hairs are on my head. He knows our thoughts before they even take form and come out of our mouths.

Chat site aside, so many people out there genuinely want to hear from God (and ask for His direction for their lives), but are not willing to put in the time and effort to wait for His voice. (Of course I am included in this many times) There are so many interuptions, distractions, and 'not enough time'... but somehow we find endless hours to watch tv, talk on cell phones, or browse the Internet. Have we destroyed our attention spans? Prob'ly.

Sometimes I feel like a goldfish, swimming in my little bowl. I swim each lap forgetting the last (and any lessons learned during previos laps)...

...I'm working on it. Or more I should say, He's working on me.


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