once upon a little town...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Home Alone.

Yep, the husband left town for a few days. Just couldn't stand the pressure anymore... no, not really. All of the youth leaders were invited to drive down to Tulsa, OK to check out the one-eighty ministry down there. They average about 3,000 students a week. We're talking HUGE.

Since we are currently building our youth facility, we want to get some good direction on how to keep students plugged in. This place has obviously got that down. I was so excited to go down, but took one for the team and stayed back. Not only is work incredibly busy (we're trying to get our catalog ready for print), but Matthew and I really can't afford to have both of us missing work for 3 days. So I am here in Willmar, while Matthew and the others are down there living it up. Well, if you count driving 15 hours there 'living it up'. Apparently the driver decided to take a 'short cut' and got lost for a few hours.

It's such a strange feeling being home alone, not expecting anyone to come walking in the door. I'm a bit more paranoid when Matthew is away- listening to little sounds and looking over my shoulder a bit more often. Last night I had such a hard time going to sleep- it was after 1:30am before I finally passed out. I had to keep the tv on up until that point to trick myself into thinking I had company. I'm such a doorknob. I feel the need to point a sturdy finger at my biological Dad that found joy in scaring me any chance he could- always hiding around corners, behind doors, outside our windows. Seriously, that's messed up, don't you think?

I've been keeping myself busy hanging out with friends I don't get to see often, though, which has been great. Last night I had a girl's night with Kristina, and in about 5 minutes I'm heading over to Bob & Erica's for a taco party... yeeehaw!

The icecream truck is passing by- man, I love summer.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

-----~ Tough Love vs. Spanking ~(a psychological conundrum)

Most of America's populace think it improper to spank children, so I have tried other methods to control my kids when they have one of "those moments." One that I found effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk.! They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our car ride together. I've included a photo below of one of my sessions with my son, in case you would like to use the technique.
Sincerely, A Friend

(scroll down)

I'm so glad people are willing to send me great parenting tips for future 'little Cherries'.

Thanks, Jennelle!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

new song

I'm quite fond of the new song 'Extraordinary Machine' by Fiona Apple. I can't recall ever really listening to her music before, but after watching her interview on one of the late shows last night, I've had this song in my head. I love it more everytime I hear it.

If this little guy doesn't play, click here and then click on
download now (it's free).

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

girls night!

Tonight I went out with a couple of girl friends to see the new movie 'Break-up'. It was such a different movie than I expected. Call me naive, going to see a movie titled Break-up, but I thought (or hoped) they would end up together. I did laugh quite a bit, though, at their incessant fighting. Mostly because it was like they recorded the going-ons this week in the Cherry household. We bicker, at times, about stupid things like rinsing dishes, vacuuming, and cleaning out the litter box. I'm told this is 'normal' by other married friends. I cannot imagine any marriage lacking occasional meltdowns. They all point back to how incredibly different men and women think.

One day, when I get to Heaven, I am going to have a chat with God about this. I'm sure He has a perfectly good explanation.

Don't get me wrong- I care way more about my husband than all of these little petty things. Matthew, I love you so much... now go clean out Bertie's litter box.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

"I'll trade you for your Nadia Beltei"

Yesterday I discovered the world of Artist Trading Cards (ATC's as the cool kids refer to them). There two rules for creating them- the card must be the size of a standard playing card (2 1/2" x 3 1/2") and the cards are to be traded, not sold. Beyond that- anything goes!

Oftentimes the card will have information about the artist on the back. I guess it's easier to trace it back to the artist so, like baseball cards, you can brag that you have so-and-so's card. I think it's great... and being an extreme packratter I like the idea of collecting something inspiring, small, and free!

So who's interested?

Here is a collection of one artist's ATC's.

i like dandelions.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

what is my problem?

I've been a little out of sorts the last few days- not myself. I think I understand how Gumby must feel day in and day out. All wobbly and made of flexi-rubber. But still, Gumby is a hero and has a trusty sidekick, and in that I take heart (as Bertie sits here whining for me to play with her).

Last weekend we had a garage sale which was pretty successful. We managed to get rid of a lot of packratted things. Sadly, I've brought Matthew over to the dark side- he had quite a bit to get rid of too. But we ended up with a bit over $250 in cash and that is pretty good I'd say. It will go nicely towards the truck Matthew decided to buy yesterday.

Saturday we drove to St. Cloud with Jon,Kelli, and Rayna. We ate at Outback and looked through books at Barnes & Noble. I picked out a couple that I am really excited about. One of them is about distressing things and making jewelry- the other is similar. Never before has a book cost me so much money! I've been on a mission ever since, scouring the internet looking for jewelry pieces and such to creat masterpieces. Someday I will have a store... you'll see! All of this madness will be worth something to someone... someday.

Tim Holtz, you are my hero.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Us

3 years ago we said our vows...
...tonight we celebrated our love
by pigging out on Olive Garden.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

How did we get here?

Today is Graduation Day for Willmar Highschool seniors. About 30 students are graduating from our youth group- it will be so sad to see them go off to college next fall! At the same time, it's exciting thinking about the possibilities ahead of them.

I remember graduation really vividly- even though this year marks 10 years that I've been out of highschool. TEN YEARS! How bizarre. Anyways, I remember how frightened I was to take that next step. I had so much uncertainty that I couldn't even decide what to do until a week before I had to register for classes. After I started college, highschool began to fade into the background and felt more like a springboard than 'this is it- this is what life is about'. And I distinctly remember feeling the same about college after graduation day came and went for that period of my life as well.

College was definitely more enjoyable, though! If I could choose any period of my life to repeat, it would most definitely be that one. There were difficult times to deal with in there (Grandma dying quickly from cancer, ending a long-term relationship with someone I really cared about, and a few other things) but it was a great time to tap into the creativity God placed in me and to develop new relationships. I was really shy through my early school years so it felt freeing to get outside of that and rediscover who God created me to be (that I have something special to offer the world). I'd never want to give those years up for anything.

Some of you that read my blog were 'main characters' in my Dordt years...
Kristin- I enjoyed our late night talks... and running across campus with our swimsuits over our clothes. We were always full of good ideas, weren't we?!
Heather- Remember the night we did our cheap trash makeovers and had a snowfight with the boys- the night before Christmas break? That is such a small portion of our many adventures.
Donna- I still rock out to Partridge Family and Ben Harper in your honor (and because I like them) Do you talk in your sleep to Jon now? That was creepy.
Megan- You always had a sarcastic remark on hand for me- man, what'd I ever do to you!? Just kidding. Let's do lunch soon!
Dave&Kelly- You two were always up to no good :) I'm so glad you are together- and happy.
Brian- You were such a gentleman- always greeted me with a big Koning smile and a few minutes to chat. I always looked forward to seeing you across campus.
Sam- You were always lurking behind bushes and buildings to ambush me- remember hide and seek in the classroom building on the Saturdays we were supposed to be working on ceramics? I'm glad you dared me to go to China- and took the dare yourself.
Rachel- Even though you were only there 1 semester, it was the hardest and I'm glad we could be there for each other. Happy 10 year anniversary, friend!
Melanie- You weren't at Dordt, but we sure made plans when our two college worlds collided! Some of them didn't come true, but the best one will... SOON!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Zoey Update

I talked to my sister, Jennelle, last night on the phone. She was really worn out from everything that's been going on, but seemed to be doing okay emotionally. Zoey was already in bed fast asleep when I called, so I'll call her Friday after her testing to see how she did.
Our cousin, Dan, works for doctors that do testing like this and he said it can be very scary for kids. He said the MRI machine is extremely loud and confining, and it's hard to get a good reading on kids because they get scared and start moving a lot. Apparently Zoey was an exception to the rule, though. I'm so proud of her!
Here is an email my Mom sent out today talking about the tests.

Dear Pray-ers,


I just talked with our daughter, Jennelle. Zoey didn't even need to be sedated for the procedure! The nurse gave her some headphones and she listened to a story, "Willie Wonka" actually, and she just lay there in that machine for about 40 minutes. She did really well. Results will be coming possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.

I will keep you posted. We're expecting a miracle.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Please pray for my Zoey.

I'm sure you guys remember me telling you about my niece, Zoey. Tomorrow all of our concerns about her health will hopefully be answered... and that the results will come back in Zoey's favor. Here is an email my mom sent out today. Please read it and pray for my Zoey. She is a sweet little girl that doesn't fully understand what is happening.

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Friday, June 2, at 10AM CST, is the day our 6-yr. old granddaughter goes to the hospital for an MRI (at 11AM) and 2 Ultrasounds to determine the source of the accelerated hormones in her body. Zoey was checked the other day to make certain she could be anesthetized for the procedure. That visit they found that her vision had deteriorated to 20/50 from her last visit of 20/20 a year ago.They also found poor hearing in one ear (hopefully wax).

The doctors have said that Zoey is either in Stage 2 Precocious Puberty Syndrome or that there could be a tumor on the pituitary gland or on her ovaries that is stirring the hormones up. Neither are God's will for any of His children.

Satan has been working overtime on that family and it is time to stop him! It would take way too long to tell you all the frustrations they have had which included Zoey's dad's entire upper body being set on fire at their Christmas part by a flaming dessert.

God has continued to prove Himself to the family many times over and now we're asking for His touch once again. Please pray that God returns Zoey's body to its original perfect design. Please also pray that fear will be replaced with faith in all of us. Also pray for wisdom to eliminate any cause for this and other incidents they have suffered through--including any open doorways that may have been passed down through any of the ancestry.

Thank you so much for your prayers and love.

May God's richest blessings chase you down!!!
