
dressed up in full Dumb&Dumber garb for prom last year.
What do I talk about after the events of the last week here in this little town of Willmar? My mind has been so centered on the grieving that seems to have settled on this town like a cloud. Jon and Adam have been in the newspaper everyday since the accident. Amazing guys that everyone seems to have connected to in one way or another.
Jon's funeral was breathtaking. His parents continue to be a source of comfort and support to Jon and Adam's friends, as well as to Adam's parents. The viewing for Jon was held at our church Sunday night. Over 600 people came to visit with his family. This was an emotional night- Jon's best friend didn't want to leave his casket. He stood there, focused on Jon's face. No doubt, hoping his eyes would open and he would say it was all just a joke. Empathizing with his pain, we cried.
The funeral itself was also at our church- completely packed the place out (around 1000 people). The pastors gave an impacting message about Jon's life- his integrity, compassion, love for others... and how his relationship with Christ was the most important thing in his life.
"Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of Me." God does not always do what we want or expect Him to do... this does not make Him any less Loving, Holy or Sovereign.
Matthew and I were priveleged to help out, by creating the video that played during the funeral. He put it together- I only scanned pictures. But still, it felt sacred somehow. I felt like I was holding leaves of gold. Now that Jon is no longer here, there will be no more pictures.
Yesterday was Adam's funeral. I didn't go because I only knew of Adam through other people. Matthew was there, though, and said there were even MORE people than at Jon's. People were sitting on the stairs, extra chairs were brought into the aisles and set up in the foyer. They ended at the cemetary, where all of the students were given blue and white (their school colors) balloons to release.
This has really impacted our community. For so many people, it will take awhile for the sting to wear off. My prayer is that when it does, the legacy these guys left behind will not be laid aside or forgotten. That their friends and family will fill the empty places in their hearts with the love of their Creator... the only thing that will truly 'fit'.

of the video shown
at the funeral.
Right before this picture,
we showed video of Jon
during worship at
youth convention.
So appropriate, I think.