Hallo-weenie with the sore throat
Oh hey, did you notice my blog looks different? I had some complaints from some complaining complainers that the background wasn't loading properly and all that remained was light yellow words. Well we can't have that, can we? So Matthew and I sat down and designed a new background. You like? It's got a lot of depth if you think about it. Try to figure it out the meaning, then let me know what you think.
Today at work I helped our town's 'Resident Crazy Person' pick out a mattress set. Every other sales person bolts when they see Janice walk in the door (because it's usually very uncomfortable), but I find it really interesting when she comes in to visit. She talks very loud and uses big gestures. To any bystander, she would appear to be very angry because of the gruff tone she uses... and she can't keep her thoughts straight so she trails off after each sentence. This summer I saw her downtown yelling at a grouping of flowers- she was VERY angry that they were planted where they were. She is also very angry at Radio Shack's keyboards because 'you can only use 5 fingers... I want to use ALL 6!'
Now I was helping her pick out a bed. She actually came in last week and picked out a set, but then decided she couldn't get that set because the cover of it was this grayish-blue color and she said (quite loudly) it was the color of her boyfriend's face when she found him dead. That's not something you hear everyday! Yikes. So she picked out a new set today, and we discussed her knitting projects and why her brother won't ever allow her to leave Willmar. I wonder what Janice was like before she' snapped' so to speak. She used to be married and had children... what is it that keeps a person on the right side of the sanity line?
Thankfully it was slow at work tonight, so the manager let me off early to go help out at our church's Fall Festival aka kids shoving candy into their faces all night. Every year thousands of kids come all dressed up in their cute little costumes. Every available space has a game to play and an opportunity to win tons of candy (instead of going to strangers' homes and begging for it). Our new children's pastor did an amazing illusion show, there were caramel apples, cookies, etc. It was stupendous!
The other wonderful thing that happened today- I just found out that my good friends Dave and Laura Gutierrez had a baby boy! Hooray for you guys! Elijah David- great pick for the name I think. If you two read this post, your baby boy is beautiful (and I mean that in the most masculine sense of the word). We are so excited for you- you will be great parents for that little guy. Hip Hip Hooraaaaaay...
One last interesting tidbit- a friend of mine stopped in to Slumberland tonight, which was great because I hadn't seen her in forever. She may have blown my cover on the whole 'I'm moving to Oregon' though, which we have been trying to keep on the down low in this town of much gossip. She ran up to me, (at the front counter, with my boss standing not 5 feet away, mind you) and blurts out, "I haven't seen you in soooo long and...(I tried to stop her, really I did)...I HEARD YOU'RE MOVING!" Doh. I tried to play it off best I could and did the corner of eye glance to see if Mr. Manager was looking. He wasn't. Oh man do I ever hope he didn't hear. In this line of work, if they hear you're on your way out, you get replaced. In this case, maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing... but I'm still torn about leaving before we move. I want to show the Lord that I am thankful for what He has provided... and that I can toil with the best of them.