Saturday, August 19, 2006

Radio killed the graphic designer.

The other day at work we got a call from the radio station in town. They heard about our catalog with the wrong phone number- news travels fast in a small town. They want to do a 'lighthearted story' about it. Uh yeah... not interested. I was slightly irritated that they even called to ask if they could make a laughing stock of a highly respected company. Most of the 20,000 people in Willmar didn't even receive our catalog (most of our clients are from the twin cities). Those that did, we've already taken care of it.

But enough about that ordeal. Let's talk about something else.

It's Saturday! Matthew and I have been so busy lately that there are probably 5 or 10 things I'm forgetting to do right now. This weekend we are trying to get our vehicles in working order. Our new truck must be sad that the Focus is in the repair shop. Last night when we took Shane and Amanda to the ski show (all of us crammed into the front seat), the CHECK ENGINE light came on. Even though the bill for the Focus is at a running total of over $300, we trust that God knows what's happening. In the end, we'll be fine. We have to 'roll with the punches', Matthew says. I love you, wise husband!

Do you guys want to see something great? Go to:
I got addicted to the show 'So You Think You Can Dance' this season. I loved the energy of the dancers and creativity of the choreographers. This dance was one of my favorites. Yeah, it's a little strange- victorian zombies dancing around- but I really like it. I bought the song off itunes the other day. Matthew and I love dancing to it like maniacs. If you're interested, it's 'Ramalama (Bang Bang)' by Roisin Murphy. Check it out!


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