Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lord... please have mercy on us.

Remember yesterday's temperature of 97 (heat index 107) when I posted? Today's high is 75. I just have to say... I LOVE YOU COOL AIR! I think I'm going to move my couch and tv outside after work tonight to get out of the sauna for awhile. Even though it's cool outside, it's still hot in here!

Now on to the 'main event' if you will. We are now entering August, which means stress month in the Cherry household. August is the month every year that Matthew's work permit expires. August is the month that every year, the government decides to NOT renew Matthew's work permit until months later. August is the month that Matthew goes in and pleads his case before government officials, only to be told to go home and wait. August is the month that Matthew's poor wife carries knots around in her stomach, knowing that she will probably have to support the household financially... again.

So now I plead with you... and perhaps anyone out there who has a shred of care for the plight of the 'legal aliens' in our country (aka the ones actually trying to go through the process legally) please help. "How?", you ask? If you know of ANYONE who has gone through the naturalization process POST 911, please send us their email address or phone number. After all the doors we've had slammed in our faces, we need all the help we can get. We've tried going through senators and congressmen. We've tried calling over and over. We've tried showing up at their offices. Our government is a mess when it comes to the immigration process. Nobody seems to know what's going on... or willing to help.

So here we are again. Matthew has to take another day off of work to drive 2 hours for a 5 minute appointment this week to have his fingerprints taken... again. This is the 3rd time they've had him do this since last fall. It's becoming real again, how far off his permanent residency and citizenship are. We just want to live a normal life (own a house, have kids, move where we want) without the goverment watching over our shoulders and telling us we can't live that life.

Our only option, after exhausting our options, is to trust that God knows where Matthew's papers are. They seem to have been sitting in the same place, untouched, for over 2 years (they'll only tell us what state the papers are in). Being way past the processing dates, we have to trust that the right hands will pick them up and put them through the system- soon.


Blogger Kelli said...

Hey Cristina! Rayna and I are home and are praying for you guys...we need to get together this week for sure! We love you!

10:07 PM  

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