Monday, July 31, 2006

Family Time

My Mom and Dad arrived from Oregon a week ago today, thus the week of no blog entries. They stayed with Matthew and I in our sauna apartment... thankfully the air conditioner managed to kick out enough cool air to keep us alive. We really enjoyed having them with us. We still had to work during the day, which I think was a good thing. It gave Dad a lot of time to spend with Grandpa and Mom visited with all sorts of friends of hers from the area. Then at night we were able to relax together. Unfortunately, Mom and Dad are realtors (quite portable) so they ended up having to work a fair amount over the internet and phone. But in between, we made good use of our magic bullet. We whipped up all sorts of smoothies, blended mochas, shakes... it was a bit out of control.

Dad is staying with Grandpa this week- Mom is now in Big Lake with Jennelle's family (sister). I was able to stay with them over the weekend. It was hot, but SO GREAT spending quality time with the kids and of course Jennelle and Matt... and their fabulous A/C. I brought Bertie, who reaked havoc on their house when she found a tennis ball. We no longer allow her to possess those things because she is incessant with wanting to play fetch. Then when she gets bored (after 10 hours of straight fetch, I tend to get a little annoyed with throwing the stupid thing) she starts eating the fuzz off of the ball. Then she throws up. Thankfully there were 3 kids and 4 adults for her to run through, so she played fetch for 3 straight days and never had the chance to eat fuzz. The cutest part about the fetch activity was watching my niece, Kyla (just turned 1), throw the ball for Bertie. She'd laugh so hard everytime she threw it and Bertie would come and drop it in her lap for another go. I decided that someday I'm going to have a Kyla- sweet, observant, giggly. I am praying I don't have a child like I was- I would get so mad that I'd pass out from holding my breath. I really don't know how I survived this long... although it does explain a lot. Thankfully I gave up that antic at a young age, or it may have deterred Matthew from promising to spend the rest of his life with me.

Bertie and I drove home last night and arrived at our sauna around 11. Seriously, how is it possible for an apartment to get that hot!? God, are you telling us we need to lose a few pounds, or what? I actually enjoy being at work more than at home because I can bask in the A/C. Love it. Poor Bertie, though, just sits in that dreadful place, panting. On top of that, she seems quite depressed that I wouldn't let her take the ball home. I'm a bad mom.

At the moment it is 97 degrees outside with a heat index of 107.


Blogger Cristina said...


9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We really had a great time staying with you 3 and your magic bullet. You bring out the kids in us from the clothes to the X-Box racing games to the fun foods. Who is supposed to be setting the example anyway? I learned that I'm never too old to learn! I told you I was turning over a new leaf--that I was going to put fun in my life.

Saturday Dad and I floated the river! That was a blast! This time of year it is a 5-hour trip; when the water level is higher, it is about 4 hours. There were 3 main rapids places. We were on inner tubes. I stayed on top the whole way. Dad's tube got stuck between 2 rocks on the last rapids and Dad went summer saulting over the top and underwater. Somehow he hung onto the tube and popped up quickly, only losing his sun glasses and cap (which was rescued about 100 yards down river). I kept envisioning doing the float with you and Matthew. I was also thinking that it would be great fun for a family reunion!

On Sunday we danced with our International Dancers group at the Highland Games Festival in Winston. Being a Scottish event, we dressed accordingly. One of the other dancers loaned Dad a kilt which he wore the whole day! Can't say I ever saw a Swede in a kilt before, but he looked great!

That was our fun weekend!

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to address your comment about not wanting a child like you were. You went through that phase for only a short time--where you cried so hard you couldn't catch your breath and you'd collapse and turn blue. You just didn't know how to express yourself. You wanted me to know what you were thinking, but sometimes I just couldn't figure it out. You were adorable and had many more sweet moments than fits.

I'll have to admit, Kyla is truly a unique baby--happy most of the time and goes to bed without a fuss! You can have some of those if you want!

2:55 PM  

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