Sunday, July 09, 2006


sorry about my absence. I can't believe how quickly time seems to go these days. Ever since I was in school and actually had a summer vacation, I've been in this mentality that summer is when everything slows down and I get to enjoy life. Maybe I should've flunked a few grades because I really miss that.

We have had our share of fun this last week, though, which has been huge for Matthew and I. Last weekend we were able to go stay at a lake cabin with some friends- our first 'summer' activity! We relaxed for a full 2 days and ate... among other things like burning to a crisp because our sunscreen was expired and stepping in a pile of dog poo wearing flip flops (a personal favorite). Matthew and I are looking pretty attractive with our new tan lines, though (we're actually still quite red). I had no idea people could burn in such odd ways. We have stripes on our legs, and splotches everywhere else. We may have to take Matthew to the doctor this week because his shins are looking really bad (it still doesn't turn white right away when you push on it). So let this be a lesson to all of you- BUY NEW SUNSCREEN EVERY YEAR. Those expiration dates are not there just for the fun of it.

Today was quite exciting! We went to Kyla's 1st birthday (at my sister's in Big Lake). It was really, really great to spend time with family. It amazes me how much those kids change everytime I see them. I'll have to post some pictures later.

As for right now, I'm going to bed. It is 1:40am now and waaaay past my bedtime.


Blogger Erika Hydeen Strickland said...

sipping delicately on my blog
drink it down and love the taste in your mouth
as I when my eye is jammmed full of newness
fresh grass and life
even in Minnesota.
Its my pleasure
the aquaintance upon having
longed for lands so far and wide
to feel the news cold on your face
like a kiss from the waves
as they crash your conciousness
and remind you of home
young once and still
to have that passion,
one holy and devoted
young with a direction
youth with a mission
old with a focus
embrace those
ones once young

8:43 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

that was great... thanks!

11:12 PM  

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