Saturday, August 05, 2006

My new friend.

Yesterday at work my right eye started hurting. It got worse as the day wore on, and when I got home, I figured out why. I've got myself a full blown sty. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of acquiring one of your own, here is what happens. If you aren't careful to wash your face/eyes good everynight, your tear ducts can clog. That's when the fun starts. Your eyelid then puffs up until you feel it may explode. Until it subsides (drains), usually in about a week, your eyelid throbs and causes all sorts of fun. Thankfully mine isn't the nastiest kind, although it is very painful.

Between 3-6 times a day, I have to put scalding washclothes on my eye for 15 minutes at a time. I can't wear any eye makeup or my contacts until it goes away... leaving me wearing my broken glasses that have mysteriously started turning green. Sorry, folks, I will NOT be posting any pictures.

I have to comment, though, on what an amazing day we are having here! Truly the perfect Saturday. My parents are on their way back to our apartment today before they leave for Oregon tomorrow. My sister, bro-in-law, and their 3 younguns are coming too, which will be fun (granted they aren't pointing and laughing at my swollen eye the whole time). The interesting part, we need to find places for 7-9 people to sleep tonight... in our apartment. I think I'll go clear out a few dresser drawers for the kids.


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