Tuesday, May 16, 2006


It was so great to see all of your comments on my last post- thank you for all of the messages! I was really blessed!

Here is my top 10 list from our trip to Wisconsin:
After checking into our hotel, we upgraded to the jacuzzi suite. Not a difficult decision- the first room was not so good (we'll leave it at that).

9. When Matthew dropped me off at the front door of a restaurant, some drunk guys tried to convince me to ride down the stairs on a cart. Yeah, I was just as confused- and amused.

8. Having a restaurant full of people and a group of Hungarian servers sing "Happy Birthday" to me.

7. When it wasn't pouring down rain- it was snowing. Yes, I'm serious- it was SNOWING.

6. Freezing my buns off because I didn't bring a winter jacket and none of the stores there sold jackets. I guess I didn't expect it to SNOW IN MAY.

5. Watching the Simple Life: Interns, E-true Hollywood stories, and What Not to Wear on cable because it was too cold and rainy to go sightseeing. Let me rephrase that- watching cable from my very own ginormous bathtub!

4. Sitting through a two hour spiel on timeshares- and walking away without buying anything... miracles DO happen! So far I have not met anyone who has made it out of one of those without signing on... until now.

3. Finding a wonderful little cafe overlooking the mainstreet of the Dells. It was really little and built around a tree that came up from the first story art gallery/gift shop. It was really inspiring.

2. Receiving the best birthday present ever- an IPOD! Some friends and family members chipped in with Matthew to get it for me. THANK YOU a million times! It's not even so much the ipod that makes me feel so blessed (as excited as I am about it), but the love that comes with it. Thank you.

1. Being away from Willmar for a whole weekend with my husband! Matthew and I have been so busy and distracted that it was nice to spend time together without jobs, phone calls, computers, etc. Despite the funny little quirks that happened on the trip, we had a blast! Even just sitting at the hotel watching cable and eating cheese curds. I was so happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) I am really happy that you had a good birthday!! Love you!

9:23 AM  

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