Wednesday, April 19, 2006

peace and quiet

That feeling after you've been listening to the radio for a long time, and then finally reach out your hand and turn it off. When did my life become so noisy that I've lost appreciation for silence?

Today at lunch I decided to do something different. I drove to McDonald's. Not common because I have loathed that place since I was a kid in Oregon. They had the audacity to constantly put tiny onions all over my burger (my parents would not let me place a 'special order' without). But they have that new dollar menu so I gave it another chance. Great Choice! Chicken wrap and yogurt parfait- tasty and cheap. However, I was a little confused that they wanted to charge me over a dollar for water (I passed).

So I drove to a lake near work and sat in my car with my lunch. It was really windy and cold today, but the sun felt so good beating in the windows, and the clouds were fantastic! I tuned my radio in to this quiet, soothing classical station and was instantly brought back to my childhood. It reminded me of sitting at a campground learning to burn letters and pictures on pieces of wood- there was always classical music playing in the background when my Dad was around. My lunch felt like a blessing from God.

I really believe our days are full of little blessings from God- it's our choice to really take them in or to go about the day in a hurry. I used to notice those little blessings all the time... before I let myself grow selfish of my time and energy. Making up for lost time is not as easy as if I had continued on the previous path. Well worth the end result, though. I am happiest when walking with Jesus.

Life is but a shadow.


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