Saturday, May 06, 2006

in the past 24 hours...

Last night when I was leaving home our schizophrenic neighbor came out to yell at me for shutting (not slamming) the door too loudly. Interesting that anything would be considered loud to a woman who screams profanities and blasts music until 2-3am, but that's beside the point. I was already down the first flight of stairs (too far for her to come after me) but my friend, Sally, who lives next door happened to be coming up the stairs just in time to hear Nancy's speech about how she was going to call the cops. Sally just replied in a sing-song voice, "Okay, you do that." and shut her door.

Our landlord then came upstairs to give us yet another undeserved speech in the 'How to Recycle Properly' series. Nancy decided to come out and give Matthew the same "I'm going to call the cops on you" speech as before. She also told him he's, in fact, the crazy one, and screamed some profanities at him just before lunging to attack him. The landlord, frightened by Nancy, left as soon as the yelling began. Matthew was fortunate to have been on the other side of our door and was able to shut it as she lunged at him. Creepy. He called the police, and of course they can't do anything about it except throw her in jail till morning for drunkeness and threatening Matthew. They actually knew exactly who Nancy was, and said they were surprised that noone has called about her in awhile. Interesting that our county funds her drunken behavior by handing over a check to her at the beginning of the month, then not monitoring anything in her daily life. She needs someone to be looking after her, really.

While all of this was going on, I scored a sweet deal on 2 shirts- I only had to pay $1.98 total!

Today at work my bosses bought us all pizza for lunch (chicken broccoli alfredo) and then a free smoothie in the afternoon- does it get better than that?

After work, Matthew and I ventured out with Jon and Kelli to watch students from our youth group go through grand march. For those of you non-midwesterners, grand march is the pre-prom event where the couples drive to prom in fancy cars, then parade through a lineup as they, their date, where they ate, and what car they came in are announced (to the thousands of people that come out to watch). It's crazy the amount of hype that goes into this night around here. One couple went through, and instead of announcing all of the previous stuff I mentioned, the announcer said, "... they just want to point out that grand march is just a big parade, and that is why they are throwing candy". And they did. Loved it!

It's time for bed now. There is much sleeping in to be had tomorrow morning/afternoon... as well as the door slamming I have planned for the afternoon/evening. If you don't hear from me in awhile, it's probably because I'm in jail because of it.


(By the way, I was kidding about the door slamming- instead I'm going to sit at Megan's garage sale with Kristin and change all of the prices to 1 cent. Megan will be so pleased at how quickly everything sells. Really, it's not about making money- it's all about the children... right?)


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