once upon a little town...

Friday, December 30, 2005

help please!

Could someone possibly help me contain my excitement? No, didn't think so!!!

Today I had a job interview at a travel company. The crazy part, I didn't even have to go looking for this job. A gal I went to highschool with (Mary) came into Slumberland a few months back and asked me if I'd ever be interested in working there. She was so impressed by my work ethic and eye for detail that they kept coming back to me for more and more furniture. At the end she asked that I think about going to work for this company (her family owns and operates it).

Seriously, it was like they created this job with me in mind. I thought I would just be answering phones and taking reservations for travel packages, but no. There is much more to it than that. Mary asks me during the interview, "I don't know if you have any interest, but we have a need for a graphic designer as well." I proudly told her, 'Why yes, I have 2 degrees in graphic design.' Coincidence, I think not. This company seems really great! They put travel packages (group tours) together for people to travel around the state, the country, and overseas. People go through their catalog and pick out where they'd like to go, and then the trip is planned out for them. Being that I have such a passion for traveling, this really excites me. They said Matthew and I might even be able to lead some trips together!

I'll get a call next week with their final answer and pay offer (Mary's parents that own the company are out on a trip) but she seemed really excited about me working there.

What makes me so giddy inside, is that I know God has been planning this for me. He mapped it all out, planted the seed in Mary's head, gave her the guts to ask me (while I was working, mind you) if I was interested, and you know I've had a rough time lately at my current job (if you read my blog occasionally). I love the customers, and the people I work with, but the management is killing us off one by one. I wouldn't be surprised if I went into work tomorrow and they had a set of shakels and a ball and chain with my name engraved, waiting for me in my locker.

I went online last night and found a site with advice on how to resign gracefully. They even had letters to pick from! Mine is done and printed. Regardless of what happens with this new position, it's time for me to go, and SOON! But I will not join in their game of guilt and get all emotional when I leave. I know they will put up a fight (because I have the highest number of furniture $$$ delivered out of the whole store this month) but I am prepared. Prepared to keep my mouth shut despite my frustrations, and show them Jesus.

I'll let you know what happens!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

posting is terrif-o

I have not posted in awhile. I'm pretty sure it's because I feel trapped in the life of little Cristina McCherry. I decided to add 'Mc' because I can. I met a blogger that got married and neither he or his wife wanted to change their last name to the others, so they made up a new name and both took that one. How cool is that?

So back to my original thought. I feel as though I've been trapped in a tornado- perhaps even an F5. Do you ever get that feeling your arms have been seperated from your body, and your head seperated from it as well. I'm a floating head!

This last week was so great! I had 4 days off of work for Christmas which worked out great because Matthew's brother, Gordon was here from Canada. We had a grand time with him. Matthew was giddy the whole time because he hasn't been able to see any of his family since our wedding because of his visa status. Government jerks. How can they see it as profitable to keep foreigners seperated from their loved ones? So the 3 of us had a great Christmas together. We spoiled each other rotten!

Christmas Eve we drove out to my sister's house for the evening. Christmas day we opened out stockings and after each one we held the prize above our heads and yelled, 'IT'S MINE!'. Then we headed to the Christmas day service at our church. Then we were back at our apartment again to open our presents... and then we ate. I cooked a big Christmas day meal for the 3 of us, Shane, and my Grandpa. A good time had by all.

Yesterday we took Gord back to the airport. We tried to adopt him, but I guess there is some unwritten law you can't adopt someone who is older than you. Go figure. Gord we miss you! Come back to us with your chanting of Eeeee-oooooo... we practiced and cannot master it as well as you.

In other news, I'm quitting my job! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! *cheers all around*.
I've come to the conclusion that it is time to move on. Even if I take a HUGE paycut, I will be a happier version of me. I'm just really tired of getting the beatdown for things like taking my lunch break (45 min-1 hour) on a 12 hour shift. It's ridiculous. I'm preparing myself for the wrath I will suffer when I put my notice in. It takes 3 weeks to train in someone new, so I will give them enough time to find a new slave (because we already have a gal out on maternity leave, and were shorthanded before SHE left).

This is long and drawn out- I apologize. Anyone who has read this entire post is entitled to 1 free ipod. :)
http://ipods.freepay.com/?r=25980718 Please excuse my shamelessness.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Can I have a free iPod too?

Okay, so I was a bit skeptical about this, I admit it. My cousins (Rich & Melanie) said it could be done. They signed up for a free iPod... and have it in their posession as I type this. Seriously.

I'm going for it too. I would LOVE it if anyone would go through the program with me. Here are the steps- very easy!

1) Go to this link: http://ipods.freepay.com/?r=25980718
This is my referral link- I would really appreciate it if you went to this one specifically (it is how I will receive an iPod).

2) Pick out the iPod you want at the bottom of the page. You can get a Nano or video iPod. This is the one I picked out:

3) Sign in, then choose which offer you will complete to get your Nano. I picked Rhapsody. You get some free tunes and can cancel it a couple of days after you sign up. (make sure you have your 'cookies' enabled or it won't get credited towards your Nano)

4) Have 5 friends go to your specific free Nano link and complete 1 offer. Then they'll get started for their free iPod too. (again, mine is: http://ipods.freepay.com/?r=25980718

5) Get your Nano in the mail!!! The length of time is determined by when you complete your 1 offer and when you get 5 referrals and they complete 1 offer. That's all there is to it!

I know, it seems a bit lame asking my friends to do this. Seriously, though, I don't think you will regret it one bit. Unless you don't want an iPod. In that case, give it to someone who does want it. If you have any questions, you can post to me on my blog. Matthew and I have been researching this a bit more after hearing about it from Rich & Melanie.

I'm quite excited to get my own iPod... let me know if you signed up under me so I can track it on my page- and refer people to your link once mine is full. Happy iPodding!

***In case you're interested, WIRED magazine totally backs this website with a write up entitled 'Making Free Ipods Pay Off'. Click on this link to read about it: http://www.wired.com/news/mac/0,2125,64614,00.html
(but PLEASE come back to my blog so you can refer from my link!)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

banana flam-burn victim

I'm not even sure where to begin, so I'll just start right into the story.

Saturday night my sister (Jennelle) and bro-in-law (Matt) were at Matt's company Christmas party. Think ritzy country club, awkward mingling amongst coworkers and their spouses, schoozing the boss. Two young guys that work at said country club asked Matt if he'd want to try some of the banana flambe desert they were about to make. He said sure. That would prove to be the biggest mistake he'd make all night.

As he stood about 6-8 feet away, talking with a coworker, the two guys proceeded to start the liquor on fire. One of the two was new and being trained in. Hmm... ya think the manager should've known about this 'training' session? The first flame wasn't quite large enough, so they added a little more and flipped the pan (apparently wanting to look like the real chefs do on tv?). Only they didn't just flip the pan, they flung the alcohol, on fire, directly at Matt. He saw it coming and tried to dodge it, but it still doused the left side of his face and upper body. Jennelle, across the room, shrieked out of fear seeing her husband engulfed in flames from the waist up (including his head). People stood around him in total shock and disbelief before they jumped into action with water and slapping him with their napkins. After rolling around on the ground for a bit, the fire was out.

Matt then, out of disorientation and pain, became very upset. He ripped his shirt (Hulk style) off of his body then ran outside seeking relief. He was rushed to the ER in an ambulence. The next day (in the burn unit) the doctors gave him the diagnosis of 2nd degree burns on the entire left side of his face, ear, and head, arms, and 3rd degree burns on his left hand (from trying to get the fire off of his face). His fingers actually melted together.

Needless to say, he will probably never try that banana flambe. I doubt I will ever try it either, unless wearing a fire-proof suit and helmet. I can't get that image out of my head.

Please join me in praying for Matt...
God, please heal Matt wholely and completely, without scars. He hurts so badly- please pour Your soothing oil over his wounds. Replace the melted, rough areas with smooth healthy skin. I ask that You use this horrible situation to work in his heart- that there will be humility and forgiveness where there is now embarrassement and frustration. Draw him close to You, the only place he will truly find comfort...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

do you know me?

Let's see how well all of you have been listening. I made up a little quiz to see who 'know's me best'. Click on the link below to take the quiz. Best wishes on your journey.
(Thanks for the idea, Heather)

Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I'm a survivor!

That's right... I've successfully completed 68 hours of hard labor at Slumberland in 7 days!

In honor of thus, a song titled 'Slumberland' by Paul Melancon. I can't understand ALL of the words, but I'm certain there is made mention of a furniture store and a little dark haired prisoner. What a coincidence!

Friday, December 02, 2005


If you have not been watching the news lately, please turn on your tv and start. A good friend of mine, Kristin, working with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Palestine sent a sad and disturbing email today.

Four men working with the delegation in Iraq have been taken hostage by a violent group, calling themselves the Swords of Righteosness Brigade. They have recorded two vidoes, and their demands are high. They are demanding the United States and Iraq to release all prisoners in U.S. and Iraqi detention centers. The video, broadcast Dec. 2 on Al-Jazeera, gave the two governments until Dec. 8 to meet their demands, according to a message delivered with the videotape, news reports said. If they do not comply, they are threatening the lives of the men they have in custody. They are making a huge mistake in the hostages they have taken.

These CPTers are not a threat to them, but have fighting for the rights of the same Iraqi prisoners in these detention centers. There have been several petitions aired on behalf of the men, but the more this insurgency group airs tapes of the men, the more their lives are in danger. PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE MEN! Please read on to get a glimpse into who they are.

Tom Fox, age 54, is from Clearbrook, Virginia and is a dedicated father of two children. For the past two years, Mr. Fox has worked with CPT in partnership with Iraqi human rights organizations to promote peace.

Norman Kember, age 74, is from London, England. He and his wife of 45 years have two married daughters and a 3-year old grandson. He has been a pacifist all his life beginning with his work in a hospital instead of National Service at age 18.

James Loney, 41, is a community worker from Toronto, Canada. He has been a member of Christian Peacemaker Teams since August 2000, and is currently the Program Coordinator for CPT Canada. On previous visits to Iraq, his work focused on taking testimonies from families of detainees for CPT's report on detainee abuse, and making recommendations for securing basic legal rights. James was leading the November 2005 delegation in Iraq when he went missing.

Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32 is a Canadian electrical engineer from Montreal. He studdied at McGill University and is now working on a masters degree in English literature inAuckland University in New Zealand to prepare for a teaching career.

If you want to read more about these men and read more about CPT as an organization, visit their website at http://www.cpt.org/ In the meanwhile, please stay tuned to the news and pray for the safety of these men.

welcome back to reality

Oregon was so great! Really, when else can you manage to gather 23 people into one place and eat nonstop for a week? Oh, and don't forget the amazing view of the ocean, which was literally right outside our window. No beach, just ocean. I was a bit afraid it would crash through our window if it stormed... but alas, we managed to avoid such a tragedy. They even had spot lights so we could still see the crashing waves from our windows in the middle of the night.

I miss my family. So many people take for granted having their loved ones close by. Any given holiday, birthday, or Sunday dinner spent with all of the cousins, grandparents, parents, siblings. That is my greatest dream. It might sound lame, but to a girl that has spent her entire life tossed back and forth in different homes and different states (always missing most of my family), it sounds like heaven. Maybe that's how long I'll have to wait... but I'll keep dreaming in the meanwhile. Goodbyes are hard.

So, back at the ranch... we stepped off the plane to insane cold and snow... and it's been snowing ever since! I'm back at work hardcore. Nothing makes me feel more appreciated and valued than having to make up for the days I was gone on vacation. My manager took away my days off. I have no days off till the end of next week and four 12 hour shifts to look forward to. None of this is suprising, however, so I shall not pretend to be shocked.

The best part of today- the walk home after closing. The snow is so glittery! Snow has this way of making everything seem peaceful and innocent. Clean. Renewed.

It is definitely looking like Christmas here. Seems a bit odd to celebrate that by buying a huge tree, dragging it up 3 flights of steps, strapping lights on, with colorful glass balls that break if you look at them wrong, and watching the dog's every move because she won't stop drinking the water and puking it up, but... why not!?! Everyone else is doing it!

"I love you, Jesus! I'm going to prove it by having the biggest and BEST Christmas tree EVER!"