Wednesday, January 18, 2006

a title wouldn't do it justice.

Work continues to be incredibly awkward. The only people that know I'm leaving are the manager and owner of the store. They will not allow me to tell the people I work with- the ones I actually care about- that I'm leaving. They said they want to wait as long as possible to not create panic? I would like to have some semblance of closure with these people that have become my friends! They are waiting until I only have a few days left of work- and when I start packing up my things. Yeah I can see that they don't want this leaving business to become a trend, but how rude to all involved to not let me be honest with these people. My coworkers talk about upcoming get togethers, and all I can do is shrug my shoulders. I've given them lots of time to get someone new in place. They had plenty of really good applicants before I even put in my notice.

I think the manager actually picked 2 gals that came in the other day. Reason: they were extremely attractive. When I told my manager (who was on lunch break at the time) that a model-esque girl was there to see him about the position, he literally shot out of his chair (yes, he is married). The interview lasted over 2 hours, and while he was meeting with that gal, another one came in. He really should've learned his lesson from the last 'hottie' he hired solely on her looks. She ended up being taken away from work by a detective (in a police car). Yikes. She told us all she got Punk'd, but not so. She lasted a little over a month. Not to say that these 2 gals fall into that same category- but he makes it obvious why he likes certain applicants and not others.

Oh, and 'Get out of Dodge' boy applied. Actually, to be more precise, he walked up to the counter and told my manager (in so many words) that he was ready to accept his position... that 'this won't be too hard'. He hadn't even filled out an application. Manager was dumbfounded. If the 2 hotties hadn't come in later that day, he said he was considering hiring buddy. Even after G.O.O.D. boy came in last week (was there for 1-2 hours) and proceeded to judge every single person that walked in the door. I was really confused when he called most of the women 'b_____'.

Anyone see The Office last week? I was thinking of getting my manager a George Foreman as a going away present.

PS- thank you for letting me vent. Don't get me wrong- I am truly excited about this job change, extremely thankful for the doors being swung wide open, and continually amused (and amazed) by the constant drama in this little town I call home.


Blogger Justine Ann said...

very cool that you vent on your blog... I'm also a blog venter.. I think it's somewhat healthy to do.
Don Cherry is a bit of hero to many people i know.. very cool to be related to him... I think my cold is getting better, but thanks anyways... thanks for stopping by my blog and take care!

12:26 AM  
Blogger Melanie said...

I totally watch the office all the time!!!!! "ummm sir... can you please remove your foot from the cat scan"

I bet it is hard to know you are leaving and keep it a secret. thankfully it will be over soon.

9:44 PM  

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