once upon a little town...

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Yeah, I don't know if anyone even reads this anymore, but...

I got really lazy on my blogging posts there for awhile... I'm blaming it solely on the addictive nature of facebook. I... love... facebook.

Let's see... since my last post:

-Matthew and I went to Minnesota for a couple of weeks. Fun times with friends and family, Sonshine, and a little bit of work mixed in there just for good measure.

-We went camping at Whistler's Bend. We threw an airmattress and gear in the back of our truck, loaded up the cooler, and parked ourselves right next to the river. It was relaxation at it's finest... sitting on lawn chairs by the fire, taking lazy walks by the river, cooking all sorts of tasty meals... quite enjoyable!

-My sister, Andy, got married, bringing my sister, her hubby, and their kids out from Minnesota. Man, I can't even describe how good it was to have our family all together for awhile. It was really sad to see them go home at the end.

-Tomorrow we are going camping again. This time we're heading to the coast- to Bandon. We'll stay there till Monday, so we'll have a nice long weekend. My parents are going too, which should be fun... we haven't hung out with them with relaxation as the goal in a really long time. We'll see if Bertie (our dog) let's us relax. She tends to get really weird when there are lots of noises and wildlife. It's sad, really.

Oh, I can't forget one exciting little event that happened in there. When Jennelle and the kids were at our house, we were out on the deck having some walkin' tacos when we hear yelling down below. A police officer was chasing a man down the street- on foot- yelling, "Stop, you're under arrest!" If we weren't so far up the hill, we might've been a bit nervous... but it was more like watching a live episode of COPS. I don't know how long it took to catch him, or why the officer was chasing him in the first place, but they were running through people's back yards and over fences and stuff. Good times.