once upon a little town...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm posting I'm POSTING!

Sorry for slacking. Here are some pictures from Matthew's Mom's visit a few days ago. This is a picture of me and my 'new' glasses. Most of you haven't seen them, but I've actually had them for over a month now. My old glasses started turning green and had a chipped lens... very attractive those babies were! Matthew picked these out- says they make me look 'artsy'. What do you think?

More pictures...

This is Micki, Matthew's madre, in front of our house. After 4 years, a visit was looooong overdue. Thanks for coming to see us, and for passing along these pictures, Micki!
Bertie and I looking intently at the 'Colliding Rivers'.
Matthew and I standing in one of the rivers, pre-collision
Bertie hates water, but with a strong urgency to swim/dig at the water, she coped by digging up large rocks out of the shallow river and carrying them in her mouth to shore. Very bizarre.
Matthew taking pics... actually I think he was using the camera zoom lense as binoculars at this point. We had a contest going to see who could figure out what an unidentified object was across the river. P.S. We are going to float down this river in big inner tubes this summer!!!
As you can see, we were a great match for the teeter totter at Whistler Park
On Micki's last day in town (Memorial Day), we drove to Bandon on the Oregon Coast. The COLD wind was quite the contrast from Roseburg's dry heat. Still, it was beautiful, and neat to see all of the flags flying. I'll post more pics of the ocean when we pull them off of our camera.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I'm hungry.

Too bad nobody else on here likes chilicheese burritos...

If you'll excuse me, I'll just be over here pondering things.