Monday, August 01, 2005

"I'd like to introduce you to someone..."

Ever since I started working at the furniture store, I've had a burden for the hearts of my coworkers. Working in a 100% commission situation, it's hard to get past the thick shell each person has built carefully around themselves. "I must protect myself, and my paycheck" is a common thought, and, unfortunately creates a lot of added stress.
The burden is more than just wanting to share Christ's love by example because, to be honest, I don't think there is a huge difference at first glance. I don't swear when I'm angry, tell crude jokes, or get wasted at all of the work parties... but that's not enough. There has to be something more than standing out a little, because I don't want them to feel like I'm judging them or condemning their actions. We all do stupid things to feel like we belong.
Tonight at work, two of the guys were comparing stories and one of them elicited a, "That's terrible! You need to go to church or something!" It was meant as a joke, but the other guy responded, "I don't remember the last time I went to church." He listed off a few weddings and funerals, but the list stopped there. Going to church every Sunday certainly doesn't mean you have a relationship with Christ, but at the same time, you know where someone's heart is by how they spend their time.
I want them to know Jesus in such a real and profound way. The difference between this and sharing my faith on a mission trip? I see these people everyday... and it's a constant struggle for respect there. I'm at a complete loss for words when it comes to sharing Jesus.
I'm tired of being afraid.
I need to be real and honest with myself and with the people I spend each day with.
Yeah, I may risk sounding stupid, and maybe everything I say will fall on deaf ears... but that's not for me to determine.


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