Wednesday, July 20, 2005

...there was a lady and her puppy.

I took home a great story from the furniture store today!

A few months ago, this woman came into the store with her tiny little puppy. I thought it was a bit odd, but hey, the dog was the size of a large hamster. Who cares. It was strange- almost like she had no clue she was dragging this little terrier behind her on a leash. Anyone could tell that this woman, Mary, had minimal social skills- maybe a little lower functioning than most. It was like this was her visible, invisible puppy. Does that make sense?

Then she came in about a month later, again, with the puppy. Only now, the puppy is bigger and yappier. She came in to make a payment on a clearance sofa she picked out the first visit. This time the dog pooped right on the mat in front of the counter. Yuck. Guess who got to clean it up.

So yesterday she came, in again, to put a payment down on the sofa. She was second guessing her original purchase and wanted to try it out again. She proceeded to lie down on a few sofas, which is totally fine, and her dog kept jumping up on all of the furniture- not fine. Especially since the owner of the store (think stern-faced man, to be avoided) and the manager were both there. The dog kept barking and got quite a few looks from other customers. I didn't know what to do! I'd already allowed her to bring the hamster version of her dog into the store 2 other times! So I let it pass.

Then today, she comes in AGAIN, with the dog! Mary saw in one of our ads that we had $33 rugs for sale and wanted to see them. She looked them over with the assistant manager (think kind hearted, pregnant girl) while I was with another guest. Mary told her that she would have to come back, though, because she doesn't have $10 to put a downpayment on the rug. There was a different twist on today, though. It seems, the dog pooped in the back of the store where the rugs were, and Mary stepped in it. She then proceeded to walk out of the store, leaving poop footmarks the entire length of the store.

Needless to say, that was most certainly the dogs last visit to our store. Stern-faced Owner was here again today, and very unhappy about the situation. Heather called her tonight and told her that puppy is no longer invited to shop with her in our store.

We'll see if it lasts. She's coming into the store again Friday to put the $10 downpayment on a rug.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your story . Keep us posted. I want to know how it turns out. It's quite funny so far for those of us that don't have to clean up after her and her little dog too. Just one question, did the dog know better than to mess on the rugs that were for sale or will there be an additional poo poo discount?

11:32 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

hey- what a funny story!! That is crazy that someone wouldn't clean their own doggies poo poo in the store.

oh- and way to go. you got the first comment from Alonna! I have yet to get one :)

12:25 AM  

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