Saturday, September 08, 2007

Cape Blanco

Camping last weekend was greeeeat! Matthew, Bertie, and I met my parents at a place called Cape Blanco- about 2 hours from our house, on the Oregon Coast. When I was a kid, I used to get carsick nearly everytime we drove to the Oregon Coast- you know that dizzy 'I think I'm going to puke' feeling. When you get close to the ocean, the roads tend to wind a lot. You'd think I would've learned something and brought some Dramamine, and maybe not eaten that 7-11 nachos with a big ole Slurpee on the way...

We really could not have asked for nicer weather. There was this ocean overlook area near our campsite where we hung out on these picnic tables for hours watching whales. I guess we picked the right weekend, because they were everywhere! We all forgot to put sunscreen on that morning and wound up with naaaasty farmer burns. Ha! Matthew and I still look like lepers- with our bright red, peeling noses.

Beach exploring, fetch playing (ah, Bertie, not me), fossil collecting, lighthouse exploring, campfire meal partaking, parent bonding... all in all a good time. We'll be back for sure.

The lighthouse at the top of this post is in the clearing in the middle- see it?


Blogger Kia Gregory said...

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1:54 PM  
Blogger Kia Gregory said...

Hey there Mrs. Cherry, I gotta question for ya, so when you get the chance go to my blog and e-mail me. And pretty pictures by the way.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey tina,
that is beutiful !!! call me some time zoey. love you

2:06 PM  

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