Friday, May 06, 2005

...there was a new blogger, clueless as she blogged.

Wow, this is very strange.
I have my very own blog to outlet the nonsense sloshing around in my head.

I've sort of been putting this off- journaling of any sort- for quite awhile. It's hard to not sit here, hitting the delete key after everything I type, for fear that it will sound stupid to whoever should stumble on my page. It's good for the soul, though. Being a fairly introverted person, I find it important not to let myself always crawl into a shell when I get home. It's way too easy and comfortable to do that. I will not always live in this little 20,000 person bubble (this world is much too big to get comfortable here).... and I don't want to live like it.

Believe it or not, I have met MANY people here who have never set foot outside of Minnesota. They look at me with this glazed over expression when I tell them about traveling, learning new cultures, eating mystery meals... and those are just stories about visiting Oregon!

Willmar, Minnesota has a culture of its own. I'm on my way to a ritual called Grand March tonight. You could call it highschool prom on steroids. Girls buy dresses that cost hundreds of dollars, guys rent tuxes, then the fun part starts. The girl goes with the guy to make sure his vest matches her dress, then they go to the florist to pick out a bouquet of flowers that matches also. On prom night, after tanning beds and hairstylists, the two jump into the most expensive or bazare vehicle they can rent or borrow (limo, coach bus, jag, etc) and head to grand march. They show up in their vehicle and parade in front of thousands of people after they are announced; what car they came in and where they ate beforehand is also usually included in the announcement. Then they close the doors and prom begins. Pretty elaborate pre-prom event... and I've been sucked in. There are several girls in our youth group that are in it this weekend (each school is a different week) so we're going to ooh and ahh for them as youth leaders.

I'm out for now. My dog, Bertie, is begging me to take her outside. She keeps doing the extended grunt and sigh. Yes, yes, that'll do doggie.


Blogger Melanie said...

cristina! Good to see you have a blog, you know I will be one of it's biggest fans!

have fun at the prom.

Oh and just what mystery meal did you eat in Oregon? I hope it wasn't with me!

7:43 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

Melanie- it certainly wasn't the croquets...those are the bomb diggity! You need to teach me how to make those, yeah?

12:33 AM  

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